Commercial Application

If your firm desires to offer or practice engineering and/or land surveying services in the state of North Dakota, it will need to receive a Certificate of Commercial Practice (CoCP) from our Board.

Requirements for a company to receive a Certificate of Commercial Practice (CoCP) are as follows:

1.) Compliance with the North Dakota Secretary of State’s office. Your company may need to register and obtain a Certificate of Authority (COA) from the North Dakota Secretary of State, for more information please see their website at

2.) Registered North Dakota Professional(s) in the area your company wishes to offer services. For example:

  • Engineering Services (PE) = Requires a minimum of 1 actively registered Professional Engineer(s) in North Dakota
  • Land Surveying Services (LS) = Requires a minimum of 1 actively registered Professional Land Surveyor(s) in North Dakota
  • Full Practice (C) = Requires a minimum of 1 actively registered Professional Engineer and 1 actively registered Professional Land Surveyor in North Dakota

If your company meets the requirements listed above you may submit an application for a CoCP by using one of the options below.


We are pleased to offer the opportunity for you to submit your companies CoCP application online. This service will allow you to fill out your application, pay by credit card, and submit your application without you needing to send or upload any additional documents. Please take note that only active licensed professionals will appear for you to add to your company, interns are not included. If your company does not have a licensed professional they will need to be issued a license before you can submit a CoCP application. You will be creating a login as part of the application, this login will be used for tracking the progress of your application, future renewals, and for updating information regarding your companies CoCP license. Please allow 6-8 weeks for processing of your application. All applications are processed in the order they are received.


  1. Please complete our CoCP application below.
    • Note: You can fill out and print your application from the webpage window, this means handwritten and illegible applications will not be be accepted
  2. Mail your completed application and check to:


3255 Greensboro Dr., Ste 203

Bismarck, ND 58503

Note: Incomplete applications or applications submitted without payment will not be processed and will be returned to the sender. Please allow 6-8 weeks for your application to be processed. All applications are processed in the order they are received.