Personal Renewal Options

Please read prior to submitting your renewal!


All Professional Engineer and/or Land Surveyor licenses expired on December 31, 2024. There is no grace period.

Please see the renewal notice here: Personal Renewal Notice

As outlined in North Dakota Administrative Code (NDAC) 28-04-01 all North Dakota registrants are required to complete continuing education as part of their renewal. See NDAC 28-04-01-03 for the general requirements.

NOTE: you are NOT required to submit your continuing education at the time of submitting your renewal; however, all renewals are subject to audit within four years from the date of the last biennial renewal.

In accordance with North Dakota Administrative Code (NDAC) 28-02.1-09-03 (6) if your license has been lapsed for a period of one year or more you are no longer eligible for renewal. You will need to submit a new application to reinstate your license.

If you are not renewing your North Dakota Professional Engineer and/or Land Surveyor license and wish to place your license in an inactive status, please email our office at Be sure to include your name and license number.

If you wish to renew your North Dakota Professional Engineer and/or Land Surveyor license please choose one of the options below. Be sure to follow all instructions, failure to follow these instructions will result in a delay in processing your renewal.

Online (Preferred):



We are pleased to offer you our new automated online renewal and personal dash board. This means you can now see all your license information, as well as updating your personal information and processing your renewal all within one place.

You will need to create an account prior to accessing your dashboard. Once you select the online renewal button below go to “User Account Creation for a Personal License”, here you will enter your last name as it appears on your license certificate, and your license number. Be sure to include the “PE-” or the “LS-” when entering your license number. Once the system has found you, update all contact information to include a valid personal email address and create your password. Once the user set-up is completed you can now select “Personal Account Dashboard”. Use the login you just created to access your dashboard and start your renewal.


NOTE: Our office will NOT be mailing pocket cards to those who complete their renewal online. You will be responsible for printing them off.


1.) Please fill out the renewal form below.

Note: You can fill out and print this form from the webpage window, handwritten or illegible renewal forms will not be accepted.

2.) Mail your completed form and check to:


3255 Greensboro Dr, Ste 203

Bismarck, ND 58503


NOTE: All incomplete renewal forms or renewals submitted without payment will be returned to the sender. Please allow 6-8 weeks for your renewal to be processed.